Category Archives: News

The Seminar “Women, Peace, and Security” came to an end at ENOPU

As part of the activities of the National Peace Operations Training Institute of Uruguay (ENOPU for its Spanish acronym), on Friday 28 July the Seminar “Women, Peace, and Security” finished.

20170724_140656The course was integrated by 28 students, among which there were four foreign students belonging to the Argentinian Air Force, two from the Federative Republic of Brazil and the last one from the Republic of Chile.

This Seminar included a variety of instructors including staff from the National Army, civilians, highlighting the presence of Dr. Deborah Gibbons from the Naval Postgraduate School. By the Ministry of Interior, the Technical Sub-Director from the Gender Policy Division Ms. Cecilia Erhardt; from the Ministry of Defense Dr. Isabel Suarez; from the Minsitry of Education and Culture Mrs. Rosita Angelo. From UN Women Ms. Magdalena Furtado and from the Minstry of Foreign Affairs, the Genreal Director of Politicas Affairs Ambassador Enrique Loedel.

Also, the Seminar had the pressence of Mrs. Angelina Vunge, author of the book “Angelina- The footprints left by Angola”, who told her experience abuot Violence in Areas of Armed Conflict, which moved and sensitized all the presents.


Also, as part of the Seminar a Conference was held in the Antechamber of the Senators Chamber with members of the Inter-Parliamentary Union and the Women´s Bicameral bench, at the Uruguayan Parliament.


Said conference was in charge of Senator Ivonne Passada, member of the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU), representatives of the Women´s Bicameral bench (BBF): Senator Monica Xavier, Deputy Gloria Rodriguez and Carolina Acher (assessor of the Deputy Susana Montaner).

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The topics developed in class were based on the: Implementation of Security Council Resolution N 1325, that was in charge of Mag. Maria del Rosario Rodriguez who spoke about gender inclusion in all areas of United Nations. Approaching subjects like women in peacekeeping mission areas, sexual violence issues and matters around gender, that involved the female population in the areas where those missions are taking place.


The closure of the Seminar was attende by the Ministry of Defense, Mr. Jorge Menendez; The Director of the National Support System for Peacekeeping Operations (SINOMAPA for its Spanish acronym) General Marcelo Montaner; the Director of the  National Center for Higher Studies (CALEN for its Spanish acronym) General (R) Domingo Montaldo; the Director of the National Peace Operations Training Institute of Uruguay (ENOPU) Colonel Niver Pereira The Deputy Director of the National Peace Operations Training Institute of Uruguay, Lieutenant Colonel Pablo Caubarrere, among other special guests.

In this occasion, the Minister highlighted that in the most vulnerable areas, “the mere presence of the Uruguayan Flag and the Uruguayan woman, generates empathy, because the woman is the center of irradiation of Peace”.


While the Coordinator of the Seminar, Capitan (Apy-Abg) Carina de los Santos left the following message: “Women for the single fact of being women are considered victims of conflicts and are not seen in other roles of society. The International Law recognizes that she can be part of the negotiation processes, be part of the decision-making positions and be present in Security and Defense Institutions. United Nations promotes these roles.”



The Pre-deployment course for the Special Transport and Engineers Groups – MFO Sinai came to an end at ENOPU.


As part of the activities of the National Peace Operations Training Institute of Uruguay (ENOPU for its Spanish acronym), on Friday, June 23 the ¨Pre-deployment course for the Special Transport and Engineers Groups – MFO Sinai¨, was completed.

A total of 33 students integrated the course, the topics developed in the classes were based on the tasks realized by the MFO members once they are deployed to the Sinai Peninsula.

It consisted of several activities, among them we highlight the organization of MFO force. Technical training, legal aspects, transport, driving, finances, rules of engagement, personnel safety, threat detection, and behavior in convoys, as well as English classes, Close-order Instruction, and physical education.


Also, Basic Vital Support training was provided at the Medical School of the Armed Forces, defensive driving with technicians from the State Insurances Bank, practical driving lessons at the Army Service of Transport. A convoy exercise was done at the Cavalry Regiment No. 4 and shooting at the Army School of Physical Education and Shooting.



To complete this, we had the presence of a Lecturer from the Diplomatic Corps of the Embassy of Israel, Consul Mr. Ariel Bercovih and the Professor Susana Mangana Responsible for the Cathedra ¨Islam and Arab World¨ from the Humanistic Formation Department of the Catholic University of Uruguay.


Consul Ariel Bercovich – Lecturer of the diplomatic corps of the Embassy of Israel


Professor Susana Mangana – Responsible for the Cathedra ¨Islam and Arab World¨ from the Humanistic Formation Department of the Catholic University of Uruguay

The V.I.P. Protection Course came to an end at ENOPU

As part of the National Peace Operations Training Institute of Uruguay (ENOPU) activities, on 2017 05 12 Close Protection ENOPU (2)May 12th, 2017 the course: Close Protection V.I.P. was completed.

The aim of this course was to prepare qualified personnel to fulfill the tasks of V.I.P Custody in Mission areas and risky zones.

47 students were part of the course, among them, there was a foreign student from the United States of Mexico being the rest of them from the National Army, Security of the Presidency and Ministry of Interior.

The topics developed in the class were about the formation of teams to protect the V.I.P person, how to organize the task, the roles played by each member assigned to protection, their responsibilities, and equipment.

It was dictated by a group of ENOPU instructors with support from personnel from the US Embassy who have an extensive experience in the area imparting knowledge in security and prevention, as well as in tactics to be used in an armed confrontation.

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Also, special techniques for protection of personalities were provided, with emphasis on techniques of prevention, reaction, and deterrence of threats.

The classes taught by the staff from the US Embassy trained the personnel with IED and auto-bomb classes, as well as protective measures for vehicles and residences in high-risk areas, also they showed techniques of evasive management and tactical medicine.

The course culminated with two days of practical exercises at “Cortijo Vidiella” belonging to the Parachute Infantry Battalion number 14, in which Operational Procedures for the V.I.P. Protection in high-risk areas were carried out, these procedures were in charge of instructors from the Battalion (Bn. Parac. No 14), staff of the US Embassy and ENOPU Instructors.

Instructional aids such as armored vans, paintball, and shooting were used.

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2017 05 12 Close Protection ENOPU (25) 2017 05 12 Close Protection ENOPU (27)2017 05 12 Close Protection ENOPU (154) 2017 05 12 Close Protection ENOPU (148) 2017 05 12 Close Protection ENOPU (141)

The Georgian Ambassador visited ENOPU

Last May 11, the National Peace Operations Training Institute of Uruguay (ENOPU), received the visit of the Georgian Ambassador, Mr. Guela Sekhniachvili.



In this opportunity, the Institute also received the visit of Officers who served in UNOMIG, who shared a pleasant reception.


Mentioned authorities were received by the General Director of SINOMAPA, General Marcelo M. Montaner and by the Director of ENOPU, Col. Niver B. Pereira.



The latter, after welcoming them exposed a presentation about the academic activities carried out by this school, as well as statistics and experiences from Uruguay in Peacekeeping Missions.

As part of the visit, life experiences from the Veterans who served in UNIMOG were shared in the words of Maj. (R) Ronald Garcia.

On the other hand, the writer Maria Laura Doutor, who wrote the book “Kitoko Mingi” shared an advance from her next work in which the experiences of the Officers that served in Georgia will be reflected.


The Director of ENOPU, Col. Niver Pereira dedicated the following words to the veterans:

Dear Veterans from Georgia,

Thank you so much for the support received and your presence. The meeting at ENOPU was very emotional. Hearing the words of several veterans, from the first (Klanian) to the last (Aldaya) takes us to reflect about how we were worthy representatives of our beloved country and that our strengths are the gift of people, our simplicity, and our humanitarian conception.

Due to the characteristics of that mission and especially for the hospitality of its people I have concluded that all of us who served in UNOMIG are bound by a unique feeling. Those experiences and the warm of each Georgian family that adopted us marked us forever.

To those who could not be here, thank you anyways, and we wait for you next time. Because there will be other meetings given that time will escalate the life experience and work for peace and above all the fact that we were privileged to have the opportunity of serving in UNOMIG.

To the Georgia Ambassador, Mr. Guell Sekhniachvili, thank you very much for your visit and for making us remember unique moments of our work as peacekeeper and from our lives.

And to the writer, Laura Doutor and Major Ronal Garcia for leaving us engraved in the best history of the Uruguayan work for world peace. Strong hug veterans!!!





The JMAC Course “Intelligence in Peacekeeping Missions” came to a close at ENOPU.

As part of the activities of the National Peace Operations Training Institute of Uruguay (ENOPU), on Friday April 28, 2017 the JMAC course: “Intelligence in Peacekeeping Missions” was completed.

Curso Inteligencia 2

With the aim to prepare and deployed Peace Forces trained in intelligence for the Operative Peacekeeping Missions.

The course was attended by 16 students, among them there were foreign students from the Federative Republic of Brazil and the Republic of Paraguay, the remaining were from the Army, the Navy, Air Force and D.I.E.

 The topics developed in class included information analysis, intelligence characteristics, the methodology of intelligence production, structure, mission, JMAC operations in MINUSTAH and MONUSCO and new technologies applied to the Intelligence area in PKO.

Also, a video conference was held with Maj. (R) Sebastian Fasanello, chief of JMAC in MONUSCO.

Curso de Inteligencia

Finalizó el curso “Pre-despliegue MFO-Sinaí” en la ENOPU

En el marco de las actividades de la Escuela Nacional de Operaciones de Paz del Uruguay (ENOPU), el día viernes 24 de Junio finalizó el curso “Pre-despliegue MFO – Sinaí”. El mismo se realizó en base a una currícula desarrollada por Uruguay, con la experiencia de integrar esa foto-20160624-curso-sinai-03Fuerza Multinacional desde 1982.

Participaron un total de 33 cursantes, entre Personal Superior y Subalterno, conferencistas del cuerpo diplomático de Egipto e Israel acreditados ante nuestro país e instructores del Ejército Nacional, Hospital Central de las Fuerzas Armadas y del Banco de Seguros del Estado.

Los tópicos desarrollados en clase se basaron sobre las funciones que realizan los integrantes de la MFO una vez desplegados en la Península del Sinaí.

El mismo cubrió actividades variadas entre las que se destacan aspectos legales, transporte, conducción de vehículos, finanzas, reglas de enfrentamiento y conducta en los convoyes.

Asimismo, también se brindó entrenamiento de Soporte Vital Básico en el Hospital Central de las Fuerzas Armadas, manejo defensivo con técnicos del Banco de Seguros del Estado e historia del área de misión.

Para complementar esto último, como ya es habitual, se invitó a dar una conferencia a la Embajadora de Israel y al Embajador de Egipto.foto-20160624-curso-sinai-02

Embajador de Egipto en Uruguay brindó Conferencia al Personal del curso “Pre-despliegue MFO-Sinaí”

El pasado 24 de Junio la Escuela Nacional de Operaciones de Paz del Uruguay (ENOPU), recibió la visita del Embajador de Egipto en Uruguay, Sami Salem y el Primer Secretario Mustafá Ali Saad los cuales brindaron una conferencia para el Personal a ser desplegado en MFO-Sinaí.

La conferencia se focalizó en brindar una presentación geográfica y cultural de Egipto, la Península del Sinai, el conflicto árabe – israelí  y sus diferentes tratados.

Mencionada conferencia forma parte de la curricula perteneciente al Curso que se está desarrollando en la ENOPU para el personal a ser desplegado próximamente en la Península del Sinaí.


Embajador de Australia en Argentina y Cónsul Honorario de Australia en ROU visitaron la ENOPU

El pasado 14 de Junio en la Escuela Nacional de Operaciones de Paz del Uruguay (ENOPU), se recibió la visita del Embajador de Australia en Argentina y Embajador no residente en Uruguay y Paraguay, Noel Campbell y del Cónsul Honorario de Australia en Uruguay, Ing. Diego Payssé.

Mencionadas autoridades fueron recibidas por el Director de la ENOPU, Cnel. Niver Pereira, quien tras darles la bienvenida expuso las actividades académicas que realiza esta Escuela, así como estadísticas y experiencias de Uruguay en Misiones de Mantenimiento de la Paz.

Posteriormente se realizó una recorrida por las distintas instalaciones con que cuenta la Escuela.


Embajadora de Israel en Uruguay brindó Conferencia al Personal del curso “Pre-despliegue MFO-Sinaí”

El pasado 15 de Junio en la Escuela Nacional de Operaciones de Paz del Uruguay (ENOPU), se recibió la visita de la Embajadora de Israel en Uruguay, Nina Ben-Ami, la cual brindó una Conferencia para el Personal a ser Desplegado en MFO-Sinaí.

La misma se baso en una presentación general de la situación de Israel, antecedentes históricos y presentó un video sobre las ¨ 68 datos que probablemente no conoces de Israel¨, que destaca costumbres, inventos y aspectos culturales de mencionado país.

La Conferencia forma parte de la curricula del Curso que se está desarrollando en ENOPU para el personal a ser desplegado proximamente en la Península del Sinaí


Finalizó el curso “Detección de Artefactos Explosivos Improvisados”

Como parte de las actividades propuestas por la Escuela Nacional de Operaciones de Paz del Uruguay (ENOPU), el día viernes 03 de Junio finalizó el curso “Detección de Foto-20160603-curso-ied-01Artefactos Explosivos Improvisados”.
El mismo fue desarrollado por personal del Ejército de los EE.UU, Servicio de Material y Armamento (SMA) y la Brigada de Ingenieros No 1.(B.Ing.1).
Participaron 58 alumnos entre Personal Superior y Subalterno del Ejército Nacional.
El curso fue  diseñado específicamente para la identificación y desactivación de artefactos explosivos en áreas de misión.
El mismo contó con una serie de ejercicios prácticos en los predios del SMA y la B.Ing.1.

